1. tsapp::ACCIDENT
    Monthly numbers of road traffic accidents with personal injury in BRD
  2. tsapp::ALCINCOME
    Alcohol Demand, UK, 1870-1938.
  3. tsapp::BEER
    Monthly beer production in Australia: megalitres. Includes ale and stout. Does not include beverages with alcohol percentage less than 1.15.
  4. tsapp::BLACKOUT
    Weekly number of births in New York
  5. tsapp::COFFEE
    U.S. annual coffee consumption
  6. tsapp::DAX
    Market value of DAX
  7. tsapp::DIABETES
    Incidences of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
  8. tsapp::DOMINANCE
    Running yield of public bonds in Austria and Germany
  9. tsapp::ENGINES
    ENGINES is an alias for MACHINES
  10. tsapp::FINANCE
  11. tsapp::GDP
    Germany's gross domestic product adjusted for price changes
  12. tsapp::GDPORIG
    Germany's gross domestic product, values of Laspeyres index to base 2000
  13. tsapp::HEARTBEAT
    Cardiac frequency of a patient
  14. tsapp::HSV
    HSV's position in the first German soccer league
  15. tsapp::IBM
    IBM's stock price
  16. tsapp::ICECREAM
    Temperature and consumption of ice cream
  17. tsapp::INORDER
    Income orders of a company
  18. tsapp::L921
    Subsoil water level and precipitation at pilot well L921
  19. tsapp::LITH
    Daily subsoil water level and precipitation at pilot well Lith
  20. tsapp::LUHORMONE
    Level of Luteinzing hormone of a cow
  21. tsapp::LYNX
    Annual lynx trappings in a region of North-West Canada. Taken from Andrews and Herzberg (1985).
  22. tsapp::LYNXHARE
    Size of populations of lynxes and snow hares
  23. tsapp::MACHINES
    Number of incoming orders for machines
  24. tsapp::MAUNALOA
    Atmospheric CO2 concentrations (ppmv) derived from in situ air samples collected at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii
  25. tsapp::MDAX
    Stock market price of MDAX
  26. tsapp::MELANOM
    Melanoma incidence in Connecticut
  27. tsapp::MUSKRAT
    Annual trade of muskrat pelts
  28. tsapp::NIKKEI
    Daily values of the Japanese stock market index Nikkei 225 between 02.02.2000 and 20.10.2020
  29. tsapp::OXYGEN
    Amount of an Oxygen isotope
  30. tsapp::PAPER
    Two measurements at a paper machine
  31. tsapp::PIGPRICE
    Monthly prices for pigs
  32. tsapp::PPDEMAND
    Peak power demand in Berlin
  33. tsapp::PRODINDEX
    Production index of manufacturing industries
  34. tsapp::RAINFALL
    Annual amount of rainfall in Los Angeles
  35. tsapp::REDWINE
    Monthly sales of Australian red wine (1000 l)
  36. tsapp::SALES
    Monthly sales of a company
  37. tsapp::SCHAUINSLAND
    CO2-Concentration obtained in Schauinsland, Germany
  38. tsapp::SPRUCE
    Annual logging of spruce wood.
  39. tsapp::TAXES
    Monthly community taxes in Germany (billions EURO)
  40. tsapp::TREERING
    Mean thickness of annual tree rings
  41. tsapp::TREMOR
    Measurements of physiological tremor
  42. tsapp::USAPOP
    Population of USA
  43. tsapp::WHORMONE
    Concentration of growth hormone of a bull